10h November to 17th November 2015
Brežice, Slovenia
Training course:
24 youth workers involved
8 countries
Coordinator: Društvo avtonomija
5th June to 14th June 2015
Unafraid of Unemployment
18th to 25th April 2015
Networking and training project:
youth workers
non formal eductation and support for unemployed youngsters
Coordinator: You in Europe
13th to 20th July 2014
Kostanjevica na Krki, Slovenia
Multilateral youth exchange:
31 youngsters involved;
youth leaders from 5 European countries.
Coordinator: Društvo avtonomija
6th to 14th September 2013
Brežice, Slovenia
Training course:
28 participants;
7 European countries involved.
Coordinator: Društvo avtonomija
22nd to 28th June 2013
Kostanjevica na Krki, Slovenia
Youth Exchange:
25 participants;
5 leaders;
5 European countries.
Coordinator: Društvo avtonomija
6th to 13th August 2012
Dunakiliti, Hungary
Youth Exchange:
participants from 7 countries;
1 leader.
Coordinator: Szabad Tér Egyesület / Open Space Association
Godzilla Job Strategies
14th to 21st July 2012
Agard, Hungary
Youth training:
25 participants from the Programme coutries.
Coordinator: Szabad Tér Egyesület / Open Space Association
17th to 24th February 2012
Kostanjevica na Krki, Slovenia
Youth Exchange:
25 participants from 5 countries;
5 leaders.
Coordinator: Društvo avtonomija
Get On in Life
16th to 23rd of July 2011
Agard, Hungary
Networking and training:
28 Youth workers;
8 countries.
Coordinator: Szabad Tér Egyesület / Open Space Association